Monday, November 24 @ 3:38 PM
Is it infatuation or love? Do you know the difference?
·You've only know the person a short time, or superficially for a longer period (from a distance)
·You idealize their behavior and aren't accepting of their whole actions. You place them on a pedestal.
·You trivialize behavior such as abuse or cheating, or think it won't occur if they dated/married you
·You tend to fantasize about them often and are then disappointed when you spend any real time with them. You become bored with them the longer you know them.
·You've been involved with them for a significant amount of time, at least 6 months to well over a year or longer
·You have the same interests, agree on important issues (whether or not to have marriage or children, use of finances). You make mutual agreements, and no one bullies the other.
·You've had arguments with them where you handled the disputes in a rational manner, and where neither of you holds grudges or abuses the other.
·You enjoy intimacy with them, and have a mutual agreement on the boundaries of your sexual relationship (with yourselves and/or with others). You don't cheat on each other.
·You've met their family and friends, and generally like them
·You've lived together, or made major mutual decisions (purchases, travel plans)
·You can go periods of time without seeing them, and you still feel the same way about them. You don't become bored as time goes by.
Love usually takes longer to develop than infatuation and love lasts longer. I doubt you could really fall in love with someone in a week; but, you might be infatuated with them if you've spent a great week together. The infatuation could turn to love over time, or just wear off.
Dawson Z Foo
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I'm someone who is shy, especially towards girls because all my life I've been studying in a all boys school. I only have a brother and almost all of my cousins are guys too, so I can't help it (: However, I really open up when I know my friends well enough, we'll do things together, have fun together and maybe even study together? haha