Monday, August 31 @ 8:55 PM
I could feel the tiny droplets of sweet sliding down my cheeks as I stood on the enormous parade square at the Home Team Academy for the National Police Cadet Corps Annual Parade (NPAP). It was an annual event where participants from almost every secondary school would come together to train and practice their drills under the blazing hot sun. It was a grueling task for the parade commander to coordinate his personnel and to ensure that there were no hiccups. Not forgetting our lovely bus-mates who always seem to spice up the atmosphere in the bus no matter what happens. Amazingly, this made me less tensed. Those beautiful memories will be forever etched in my mind.
Remember the good old days?
Sunday, August 30 @ 7:26 PM
I want to focus on my exams.
@ 12:07 AM
And so prelims continue next week. Let's see...
Monday - Social Studies
Tuesday - Teacher's Day
Wednesday - EL Paper 1, EM Paper 1
Thursday - EM Paper 2, Geography
Friday - Science (Physics)
Have to revise for social studies and do many questions for EM everyday. Now that the D&T coursework is out of the way, I can focus and concentrate on other subjects in the meantime. I know that the topic on Venice, Governance and Globalisation is likely to come out for prelims. *Hint given by teacher* So I'll focus on those topics for content. For skills wise, have to look through my longman book. It's so exhausting. Having to scan through the chapters is tedious as well. But there are no short cuts to success, so I guess I have to get it over and done with. There is not much time left, it's time to get moving.
P.S I love chatting group!! Some people are just so funny (:
Monday, August 24 @ 6:39 PM
I hope all the time spent on D&T is worth it.
Saturday, August 22 @ 12:15 AM
I guess I'm alone, yet again. I'm used to being alone anyway.
I miss chatting group. I think about you people all the time. Wondering if you're alright, wondering if you're smiling. Sometimes, I feel neglected. I guess this is the price I have to pay for worrying constantly. I don't know, I really don't know.
Thursday, August 20 @ 10:42 PM
When I want to share your burdens, you ask me to go away. When I want to comfort you, you ask me to leave you alone. When I want to be there for you, you say there's no need to. Guess I was being too helpful, maybe I should just mind my own business. Be a selfish individual, there's no need to spare a thought for others at all. Putting myself before others is just not my style. Most of the time, I would rather suffer alone than to put my burdens on others.
As long as the opposing party is happy, I would be happy. But why am I doing all this in the first place? I should just do the opposite and put myself before others. It does not pay to be kind. I won't blame anyone but myself, I fail as a friend. I fail to make you happy. I fail to be there when your unhappy. I fail at everything.
Anyway it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter anymore. I'm sick and tired of navigating through this never ending maze.
Sunday, August 16 @ 3:24 PM
Friendship doubles your joy and divides your sorrow.
Saturday, August 15 @ 8:38 PM
Next week is dead week. Release of MT 'O' level results, more tests and more work to do, crap. TOMORROW is the day! (:
I'm glad that you're fine. Stay happy and keep smiling always ~
Sunday, August 9 @ 9:57 PM
Next week is the release of the MT O' Levels results. I'm excited, yet afraid at the same time. Whatever results I get, I hope I will be satisfied. I seriously wonder if I should re-take the examinations at the end of the year if my results are not up to my expectations. Or should I just accept it and focus on my other subjects? I'm in a dilemma. My D&T coursework is on schedule, completed quite alot today. However, there is still work that needs to be done. And I still have tests next week. Argh..
Anyway, Happy Birthday Singapore! (1 more week!)
Friday, August 7 @ 3:03 PM
Went school to celebrate National Day today. Well, it turns out that there wasn't really much of a celebration today except for a mini-parade and all the miscellaneous stuff which are related to National Day. Was suppose to be dismissed at 10.15am. But we had to stay back awhile to go through an Alkenes worksheet. And I eventually left school at 10.45am.
The fun began after that, shall not elaborate much :P
(Today was an interesting day!)
Wednesday, August 5 @ 4:44 PM
Behind every face tells a story. (我不甘愿,我真的佷不甘愿...)
Sunday, August 2 @ 3:34 PM
The Ups and Downs of Life - Chapter Four
The specks of light, which whirl and tumble through air aimlessly.
With the end in mind, they float on cloud nine.
The roaring of the engines, which propel and pushes us forward.
Drives us to accomplish things which were seemingly impossible.
The bittersweet symphony, the pleasant melody.
Makes us ponder about the events of that day.
And such is life, simple yet so extraordinary.